Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Seagert

This weekend we headed to Long Lake to celebrate Jamey's Grandma Seagert's 85th birthday.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Project

After a week or so of talking about it I finally made a teepee for Caleb and the girls to play in. The whole think blew down 5 minutes after covering it the first time so I had to improvise. There are still a little items to address but, the concept is completed. Did you know duct tape came in YELLOW?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Camp Michindoh Time

For the 3rd straight year Hannah spent a week at Camp Michindoh with Fusion from Cedar Creek. She had a blast and for the first year had no major injuries or illnesses while at camp. Above is a photo of Hannah in the crowd at one of the many group events. Below you see Hannah and the rest of her cabin mates. I'm not sure what they were doing but, it looks impressive.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More and more and more baby news

Well, I have been terrible at posting the latest baby news through out our family. There have been several new additions to our extended families this year. Here is the list of the kiddos joining our clan:

John Michael (Jack) Adamski III
Born: July 7, 2009 (okay, I am just on time with this one!)
Parents: Mike and Mary Adamski

Emerson Marie (Emme) Adamski
Born: May 28, 2009
Parents: Chris and Courtney Adamski

Logan Lane Christian
Born: April 28, 2009
Parents: Nate and Melanie Christian

Max Nordhaus
Born: May 2009
Parents: Chris and Kevin Nordhaus