Saturday, November 13, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween is always a busy time of the year are our house. It always seems like the kids have several ideas of what they want to be. This year was no different, except for Caleb of course. He had his mind set on being Luke Skywalker for a long time. He prepared by watching the original Star Wars Trilogy all month long. Literally, every night before bed he was watching. Grace's ideas were all centered around princesses. Princess Leia, Snow White, Cinderella... He settled on the Butterfly Princess that you see here. Emma went out trick-or-treating with her friends from the neighborhood for the 2nd straight year. As you can obviously see they were "80's" girls. Hannah was doing homework on the 31st until an hour before Halloweening began. I am still not sure what we was. It didn't look like a costume to me. Unfortunately she ran out the door before we could snap a picture of her.