Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Is Here

We have had a week or so of moderate weather but, this weekend it is back into the 90s.  The kids have wrapped up the school year this week and are ready to relax.  Well to me they have been relaxing all year but, what do I know.  Hannah on the other hand started summer school to complete a few classes so she can take what she wants to at Toledo School for the Arts next fall.  She is taking Health, Business and PE on the Internet.  I am still trying to figure out how you can get a PE credit on line but, the state recognizes it.  She was accepted into the Music and visual arts programs.  Last week Emma auditioned for another musical for the Toledo Rep.  She felt she had a good audition is waiting to hear back from the director. 

We have a lot of projects planned for the summer:  New roof, pool, deck, stable for goats to name a few.  I can't wait for fall! Ha Ha...

Rabbit Hutch Update

Completed Hutch with happy rabbits

The Rabbit Hutch is finally completed.  Well, at least for summer.  It took several trips to the hardware store to complete the watering system but, it was well worth it.   I have the learned that the more you can do to "automate" or minimize activities required to care for plants/animals the easier raising them becomes in the long run.  It is basically like the photo of one that I found on the Internet but, I added a thermometer and a solar powered motion detected spot light.  Since a constant temperature of 50 degree is required for breeding New Zealand rabbits, it is good to know the temperature.  The light helps me when checking on the rabbits at night.  Plus is may be a deterrent for curious critters.  The next step is to finish naming the rest of them. 
Drinking Doe
Auto Watering System