Monday, February 9, 2009

Shuss Mountain Michigan

Jamey and I went to Belaire, MI this weekend with our friends Chris and Jen. We had a great time together. Jamey went there 15 years ago with her family but, it was my first time at the resort. She found a great deal, as she always does, so we were able to stay right on one of the slopes at Summit Mountain. Our place was the one lit up to the right of the chair lift. We skied a bit Friday night because we were not sure how the weather was going be on Saturday. The forecast called for rain and temperatures in the upper 30s. I was the only person on the slopes at 9am and was able to get 2-3 runs in before I saw another soul. Fortunately we did not have any rain that day;however, the afternoon was a sunny 45 degrees. The snow was a bit sticky and a little challenge but, it was still a great day of skiing. We played games until late at night. Jamey and I ended up beating Jen and Chris at Wii tennis (my new pass time). Sunday morning there was a lot of ice since it dipped into the lower 20s during the night. I was up for the challenge but, the rest of the group slept in and waited for the the ice to soften up after lunch. Sunday was a bit cooler than the day before and the conditions were great. We skied until 4pm and then headed home.

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