Sunday, July 22, 2012

June 2012

June continued to be a busy month.  The kids all finished up school and looked forward to the break.   Unfortunately for Hannah, school continued all summer.  She was trying to free up her schedule at TSA next year so she could take more electives by signing up for 3 summer classes.  Emma was excited to be casted in one of a few lead roles in the Toledo Young Reps production of,  "Once on this Island."  You can see the show August 16th-19th at the Rep's 10th Street Theatre. 
June 23rd: Mak (4), Grace(5) and Caleb(11)
We celebrated several birthdays in June.  We had hosted Josie's 1st birthday at our house and Mak, Grace and Caleb's birthdays at Mary and Brian's house. 

Last month we also had our new pool installed.  The kids have logged several hours already.  With the HOT weather we have had it was much appreciated.  Especially since we do not have central air in our new home.   It was also just in time for our visitor's coming in town for the Hanna Open this year.  Since then we have removed our fence and are trying to agree on a design for the surrounding deck.

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