Saturday, May 31, 2008

Relay for Life

Friday and Saturday Team Hanna participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life at Maumee High School. Aunt Pat was the team captain and recruited Uncle Ron, Aunt Peg, Uncle Tim, Mary and Fred (my parents) to help walk to raise money for ACS. A late night storm sent the racers home around 1 AM f0r a few hours, Then team was back logging miles early this morning as the sun came out. The girls, including Emma's friend, and I joined Hanna bunch for the tail end of the event. The girls each took turns getting a ride from the fireman who were pulling riders around the track for donations. In all, Team Hanna tallied just over 275 laps (~69 miles). As of the this afternoon the event had raised over $50K for the ACS.

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