Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting Settled

We have been in our new house for just over 2 weeks. Since then, Jamey has started homeschooling 2 of the 3 kids. There has been many challenges and a whole new set of routines to establish. It has definitely been a struggle and trying all of their patience's. We have also welcomed 2 roosters to our homestead and are planning on picking up a few pullets, young hens, this week. We also discovered we have TOO MUCH STUFF! It is hard to imagine that we will ever get through it all. Luckily we have space in the garage to sort through what we want to keep, sell and donate. Hopefully we can make a successful dent into the piles by Christmas. There are so many projects to start but, so little time. I am lucky if I am home at all during day light this time of year and the weekends are never long enough. I guess we will have to continue to work on little bits at a time.