Sunday, May 18, 2008

Holy Knots!

So it was about 9:30Pm tonight, the kids were tucked in and Jamey was off picking something up from the store. Down comes Emma who, "needed help," with what I would call the monster of all knots in her hair. She had just taken a shower before bed and was combing her hair. For some reason she tried to wind her hair up with the comb. It worked!. After about 10 minutes of cutting away the exposed comb I lost my patience and thought this would be a better job for mom. Jamey, who is blessed with a boat load of patience for this type of task, was on her way home when she received my call from me for guidance. So she started shortly after 10:00PM and manage to get the comb free after an hour of "surgery". By 11:30PM she was able to get the rats out of Emma's hair and send the poor girl to bed. We are pretty sure that was the last time she tried to "wind" her hair up with a comb.

1 comment:

tjsing said...

Your comment on my blog was so nice and I can't tell you how much I needed that. I really am miserable and it does not have to be this way. I am used to a fast paced life being busy all the time which I know is the devil doing his work! It just always feels right when it is church related but you made me realize I need some time for me and the Lord and that is all. I will rest now with a whole new perspective. I really do appreciate your words. I hope the recovery is going well and poor Emma and that knot! Yikes.
God Bless,